Sunday, December 13, 2015

Hey, Friendos. We're still working on the game, but recently not too much progress has been made. In the meantime we have finished the Rise set of images and I'll be implementing them into the game soon! No more crossed out Rise button! Our next goal is to probably work on the Yukiko CGs, write some more scenes and make some backgrounds for the placeholders! Once that is all done we can release a super early build of the game with two Persona 3 girls and two Persona 4 girls.

In the meantime however, let's reflect on how great Persona 3 is. Remember Persona 3? Earlier today this song came into my head and I had to look it up. Whenever I try to replay Persona 3 for the third time I have a hard time getting to the later months, but those later months were something special.

I always thought Ryouji was pretty cool, mostly for his design though. It was clear in Persona 3 that the members of the dorm all had their own social lives and their own friends, like when Junpei introduces Ryouji. This aspect is sort of changed in Persona 4 where all of the characters are friends with each other and your main social links are the Investigation Team. One isn't inherently better than the other though. I like Persona 3 and 4 very equally but Persona 3 really stood out for me despite my playing Persona 4 first!

Either way, more updates to come! Also, get Guilty Gear Xrd for PC, that game is fucking fantastic.


  1. Hey, can you make a scene where Yukari is in the Cowgirl position?

    1. Thanks for the suggestion and sorry for the late reply!
